Apply for DHSS-Wilmington Safe Haven Summer Program Grants
As the end of the school year approaches, the Department of Health and Social Services and the City of Wilmington have partnered to work with local summer youth programs to develop and support a network of Safe Havens in the city for the summer. The goal is to curb gun violence and reduce crime by providing meaningful activities during those critical hours young people are most likely exposed to street activity. As part of its commitment to building healthy communities, DHSS will award one-time grants to community organizations to fund youth programming that focuses on reducing or building resistance to stress by encouraging healthy eating habits, promoting physical activity and teaching certain life skills. Applications for these grants are limited to organizations whose summer programs are currently funded by the Delaware Department of Services for Children, Youth and Their Families (DSCYF). Organizations must verify their 501 (c) (3) status, and be located in "high-need" neighborhoods on Wilmington's West Side, East Side and North Side, i.e. zip codes 19801, 19802, and 19805.
The complete application and details can be found here.
Abuse, Neglect, Exploitation and Advocacy
- Long Term Care Facility Enforcement Information
This Web page provides information about the enforcement actions that the Division of Long Term Care Residents Protection is authorized
to impose in the case of violations of Delaware laws or regulations pertaining to long term care services/facilities. The State laws
include the Adult Abuse Registry Law, the Criminal Background Check Law, the Resident/Patient Abuse and Neglect Law, and the State law
regarding nursing homes and other long term care facilities. This Web page also provides information about the enforcement actions that
the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services can impose in the case of non-compliance with federal regulations pertaining to
Medicare/Medicaid-certified nursing homes. The page gives links to the relevant sections regarding enforcment actions in the Delaware
Code and the Code of Federal Regulations.
Enforcement information is provided by the Division of Long Term Residents Protection (DHCQ). For more information, please visit the
DHCQ website. To make complaints about long term care facilities and resident abuse,
mistreatment, neglect, or financial exploitation contact DHCQ via their Complaint and
Incident Reporting information.
Adoption, Foster Care and Day Care Facility Information
Caregiver Support
Child Care
This service provides support for families with young children to enable the caretaker to hold a job, obtain training or meet special
needs of the child.
This service is provided by the Division of Social Services (DSS). For more information about DSS
services, please visit the DSS website or contact DSS.
Joining Generations
Joining Generations is a statewide intergenerational program operated by the Division of Services for Aging and Adults with Physical
Disabilities. The goal of the program is to bring elderly and the youth together in planned activities which benefit both generations.
Joining Generations administers the Family Circles program. Family Circles is a support/education group program for grandparents and
relatives raising others' children. In addition, Joining Generations provides support and technical assistance to other organizations
in Delaware that are interested in developing intergenerational services. For additional intergenerational information and programs,
please see the DSAAPD Intergenerational Programs page.
This service is provided by the Division of Services for Aging and Adults with Physical Disabilities (DSAAPD). For a complete list of
services provided by DSAAPD, please visit the DSAAPD services page, the DSAAPD website or contact DSAAPD.
Kinship Care
The Kinship Care Program provides assistance for relative caregivers during the 90-day transition period when a child first moves into
the non-parent caregiver's home. The program assists in meeting immediate needs for clothing, shelter, health, safety, and educational
This service is provided by the Division of State Service Centers (DSSC). For more information about DSSC services, please visit the
DSSC website or contact DSSC.
Child Support Services
- DHSS's Division of Child Support Services (DCSS) is a state agency that helps the person caring
for a child to collect child support and medical support when one or both parents are out of the home. For current or former public
assistance families, there is no charge for DCSS services. For all others, there is a $25.00 one time application fee. To obtain more
information about Child Support Services and how to apply for child support, please contact DCSS via the contact information provided on
the DCSS website.
Health Services and Medical Assistance
Child Development Watch
Child Development Watch is the statewide early intervention program for children ages birth to 3 to enhance the development of infants
and toddlers with disabilities or developmental delays.
This service is provided by the Division of Public Health (DPH). For more information about DPH
services, please visit the DPH website or contact DPH.
Children's Community Alternative Disability Program
This program provides Medicaid coverage to severely disabled children who do not qualify for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or
other Medicaid qualifying programs because of their parents' income and/or resources.
This service is provided by the Division of Social Services (DSS). For more information about DSS
services, please visit the DSS website or contact DSS.
Healthy Children
The Delaware Healthy Children Program is targeted to children under age 19 with whose family income is at or below 200% of the Federal
Poverty Level (FPL) and who do not qualify for Medicaid. Eligible children receive prescription services, doctor visits, hospital care,
labs, Xrays and 31 days of mental health and substance abuse treatment services per calendar year (inpatient or outpatient) in addition
to the MCO benefit of 30 outpatient visits for mental health.
This service is provided by the Division of Social Services (DSS). For more information about DSS
services, please visit the DSS website or contact DSS.
Immunizations services help the uninsured and underinsured receive the required childhood vaccinations.
This service is provided by the Division of Public Health (DPH). For more information about DPH
services, please visit the DPH website or contact DPH.
Medicaid furnishes medical assistance to eligible low-income families and to eligible aged, blind and/or disabled people whose income
is insufficient to meet the cost of necessary medical services.
This service is provided by the Division of Social Services (DSS). For more information about DSS
services, please visit the DSS website or contact DSS.
Birth to 3
Birth to Three is a statewide, comprehensive, coordinated, multidisciplinary, interagency system that provides early intervention
services and supports for infants and toddlers with disabilities and developmental delays and their families.
This service is provided by the Division of Management Services (DSS). For more information about DMS
services, please visit the DMS website or contact DMS.
Other Health Services and Information
Other health services for children provided by the Division of Public Health (DPH). For more information about DPH services, please visit the DPH website or contact DPH.
Information and Assistance/Case Coordination
Family Visitation Centers
Family Visitation Centers provide safe, neutral settings where children can maintain or re-establish a relationship with a
non-custodial parent. The Visitation Centers provide monitored exchanges, supervised visitations and group visitations.
This service is provided by the Division of State Service Centers (DSSC). For more information about DSSC services and locations,
please visit the DSSC website or contact DSSC.
Food Stamps
Food Stamps is a program that enables low-income families to buy a variety of food that is the basis for better nutrition.
This service is provided by the Division of Social Services (DSS). For more information about DSS
services, please visit the DSS website or contact DSS.