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Commission for Statewide Contracts to Support Employment for Individuals with Disabilities

The purpose of the Commission for Statewide Contracts to Support Employment for Individuals with Disabilities is to further the policy of the State of Delaware to encourage and assist blind and other severely handicapped individuals to achieve productive gainful employment by assuring an expanded and constant market for their products and services. This meeting is held every 3rd Tuesday of the month, unless a quorum cannot be established then the meeting will be postponed.

The details concerning this Commission are also posted on the Delaware Public Meeting Calendar

Voting Members

  • Chair (appointed October 9, 2018)- member of the public: Mr. Clint Walker
  • Vice Chair - member of the public: Mr. Doyle Dobbins
  • Director, Government Support Services - GSS Director: Mr. Peter Korolyk
  • Director, DOL/DVR Representative: Ms. Elisha Jenkins
  • Deputy Principal Assistant (Revenue) - Secretary of Finance representative: Mr. Joel Heller
  • Public Member: Ms. Cindy Farmer

Non-Voting Members

  • Director of the Division for the Visually Impaired (DVI): Ms. Deborah Talley
  • Director of Ability Network of Delaware (A.N.D.): Ms. Carolyn Petrak
  • Community Rehabilitation Program (CRP) Representative: Ms. Jackelyn Gemenden

Support Staff

  • Administrative Specialist III, Office of the DVI Director: Ms. Michele Hamilton

