To better serve you, the Division will open a Change Report Center so you can report your changes more conveniently by phone, fax, or mail. Dear Recipient, Soon you will not have to come into the local office to report your changes. You can report changes by phone, fax or mail and receive quicker service. The Division of Social Services is opening a statewide Change Report Center (CRC) beginning with the City of Wilmington to help us meet client needs. - You will no longer contact your worker to handle changes between reviews; - You will receive a card with the CRC contact information in the mail in about two weeks; - You can also contact your local assistance office or the CRC to have a self- addressed return envelope mailed to you so you can verify your changes. The benefits of the CRC are: - More convenient and will save you time; - You will no longer have to visit the local office to report changes; - It allows DSS staff to provide improved customer service. YOU CAN REPORT CHANGES TO THE CRC TWO WAYS: 1. Use your self-addressed stamped envelope or 2. Mail to: Division of Social Services P.O. Box 3480 Wilmington, DE 19804 Please make sure your name and case number are clearly written on all documents.